When should you worry about hair loss ?

Hair is a symbol of seduction, good health and strength. We have 80,000 to 160,000 hairs that renew themselves in 3 to 5 years. We lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. When this physiological loss increases and is not compensated for by regrowth, we speak of alopecia.

What can cause hair loss ?

The hair cycle is made up of three phases: the growth or anagen phase (85% of hair is in this phase), the stabilisation or catagen phase (between 1 and 2% of hair is in this phase) and the fall or telogen phase (15% of hair is in this phase). During a dermatological examination of the scalp, it is important to analyse these phases in order to identify a possible cause.

Alopecia is defined as acute if it lasts less than three months, chronic if it lasts longer.
Causes of acute alopecia may include stress, rapid weight loss, surgery, acute infection or haemorrhage, or post-partum.
Chronic alopecia may be due to deficiencies (particularly iron deficiency), endocrine disorders or organ failure (such as kidney failure). The most common cause is androgenic alopecia.

Androgenetic alopecia and alopecia in women

The most common cause of alopecia is androgenetic alopecia of genetic origin, where hair loss is due to the influence of androgens.
This type of alopecia can affect men from the age of 18 and women from their thirties.
Two scales represent the stages of development of the phenomenon: the Hamilton scale for men and the Ludwig scale for women.

→ Find out more about PRP

Perfect hair in three months : injections for alopecia

Before any treatment, any cause of alopecia must be identified and treated. The benchmark aesthetic treatment is PRP injections.
No preparation is necessary. Before the treatment, I carry out an analysis of the scalp to identify the most affected and fragile areas. However, the entire scalp will be treated.
A blood sample is taken and the tube is centrifuged for six minutes to separate the plasma containing platelet growth factors (PRP) from the other components.
PRP is collected and injected into the scalp using a mesotherapy technique, which makes the session painless.

As a maintenance protocol, I recommend mesotherapy sessions every three months.


The result is visible three months after the first session, as the hair cycle is long.
As an initial treatment, three sessions are required, at three-month intervals. An annual maintenance session is then required.

The hair is thicker and more resistant, and the rate of regrowth is variable and depends on individual response.
There are no after-effects. It is not advisable to take anti-inflammatories or corticosteroids in the 48 hours following the session.
Shampooing and sporting activities are permitted from the following day.


Type of consultation



500 CHF per session


200 CHF per session

Other areas to be treated

Face a glow

Red carpet

Skin prevent

Skin restore
