frown line

What is a frown line ?

The frown line is a wrinkle between the eyebrows that initially appears when the eyebrows are furrowed and then becomes permanent. As these wrinkles give a stern, sad appearance, they are often corrected by aesthetic medicine.

 The frown line

During frowning, the muscles responsible for eyebrow position (frontalis, orbicularis oculis, corrugator, procerus) are activated differently depending on the individual. This gives rise to five types of frown line. This classification is important from a therapeutic point of view, as it implies slightly different injections.

Ride du lion type omega

Frown lines type

Ride du lion type omega inversé

Frown lines type
inverted omega

Ride du lion type V

Frown lines
type V

Ride du lion type U

Frown lines
type U

Ride du lion type flèches convergentes

Frown lines type
converging arrows

Why do we get frown lines ?

The lion’s wrinkle is mainly due to the action of the corrugator muscles. These muscles develop quite rapidly as they are called upon during facial expressions, which explains the appearance of the wrinkle even in very young people.Wrinkles first appear during expressions, then become permanent once the skin has broken down.

The corrugator muscles are located at the head of the eyebrow. They enable us to frown and lower the head of the eyebrow. Certain external factors aggravate and accelerate the appearance of these wrinkles: poor hydration, lack of sleep, poor lifestyle, exposure to the sun, smoking, etc.

Correction ride du lion en Suisse

→ Find out more about wrinkles injections

Severity stages of  frown lines

The Metz laboratory has created a severity scale, five stages are described:
Stage 0: absence of glabellar wrinkles.
Stage 1: slight glabellar wrinkles.
Stage 2: moderate glabellar wrinkles.
Stage 3: deep glabellar wrinkles.
Stage 4: very deep glabellar wrinkles.

Stade de gravité ride du lion

In the early stages (stages 0-1-2), the injection of botulinum toxin makes the wrinkle disappear.
For stages 3 and 4, if the patient wants the wrinkle to disappear completely, hyaluronic acid injections should be carried out one month after the botox injection. The muscle responsible for frown lines is a powerful one, and it is possible to treat it with botox at stage 3 or 4, but the results will last around 3-4 months for the first injections.

Hence the importance of treating this type of wrinkle as soon as it appears.

Effacer la ride du lion

How can I get rid of frown lines without injections ?

Facial gymnastics is a complement to injections. This technique cannot prevent or treat frown lines if it is not combined with injections.
The exercise consists of applying three fingers to the head of the eyebrow and stretching it outwards while frowning.

How do you get rid of frown lines ?
Cosmetic medicine techniques

The most widely used and effective treatment is botox injection. In some cases, hyaluronic acid injections are also carried out.

Botox injections for frown lines

The botox injection blocks the contraction of the corrugator muscles. The patient will no longer be able to frown, but the impossibility of making this movement does not give the face a frozen appearance.It is the impossibility of raising the eyebrows that sets a face.

For some people (particularly certain artistic professions) it is important to be able to continue frowning, in which case a partial blockage is possible. The treatment is preceded by a resting and frowning analysis.

A failed injection at this level causes:
drooping of the eyelid (ptosis) due to diffusion of the product to the levator muscle of the upper eyelid,

drooping of the eyebrow with the inability to raise the eyebrows (giving a frozen appearance) due to injection too high, which affects the frontal muscle.

This is often combined with the injection of crow’s feet wrinkles to have a complete opening of the eyes and not change the shape of the eyebrows.

Injection Botox pour lutter contre la ride du lion

→ Find out more about botox injections

Injection acide hyaluronique

→ Find out more about hyaluronic acid

Filling the frown lines with hyaluronic acid injections

The indications for hyaluronic acid injections to fill the frown line are: if botox cannot be injected (patient’s refusal, contraindications, etc.); if there is a break in the skin, this will be corrected by an injection of hyaluronic acid approximately one month after the botox injection.
The injection must be carried out using a cannula. The practitioner must be experienced, as there is a risk of necrosis and visibility of the product (small balls or visible cord).

Results and side-effects

Treatment of the frown line erases the stern, angry look caused by this wrinkle. The eyes appear rested. The results of botox injections are visible from two days after the injection and are definitive seven days later. It lasts five to six months.
A follow-up appointment for a possible touch-up is scheduled one to three weeks after the injection.
The after-effects are marked by slight temporary swelling (about ten minutes) and headaches lasting no more than five days.
The results of hyaluronic acid injections are immediate and last for a year.
There are no after-effects, and patients can return to their normal activities.


Type of consultation



For women 1 zone: 300 CHF, two zones: 450 CHF, three zones 600 CHF
For men 1 zone: 350 CHF, two zones: 500 CHF, three zones 650 CHF

Hyaluronic acid

600 CHF per syringe

Other Areas To Be Treated

Lip bar code

Forehead wrinkles

Bitterness folds

The nasolabial fold

Crow’s feet wrinkles