Emsculpt and Cristal Fit aesthetic medical muscle stimulation

The principle of EMsculpt and Cristal Fit

EMSculpt and Cristal Fit devices use high-intensity electrostimulation to develop muscle mass and reduce localised fat mass.
The electromagnetic waves are not harmful to health.
The muscle contractions induced by these devices are more frequent and intense than physiological ones.

EMsculpt treatment in video

EMsculpt indications

The aim of the treatment is to harmonise the figure of men and women, the areas that can be targeted are:
the abdominal muscles,
the thighs (quadriceps, abductors and adductors),
arms (biceps, triceps).
A cryolipolysis session will be recommended before this treatment if the localised fatty mass is too great.

Contraindications are:
wearing a copper-coated coil or the presence of metallic material (plates, pins…),
the presence of a defibrillator or pacemaker,
an infection or wound in the area to be treated.

How EMsculpt works ?

The muscles, stimulated by high-intensity electromagnetic waves, contract 20,000 times during the session (the session lasts around thirty minutes). This intense activity causes a reorganisation of the muscle structure. Muscle gain and a reduction in fat cells are observed.
Clinical studies carried out by PUBMED show a 20% increase in muscle and a 30% reduction in fat two months after treatment (variable depending on the patient).

An effortlessly sculpted body ? EMsculpt session

The patient is comfortably seated on the examination couch. The applicator is placed on the area to be treated.
The intensity of the contractions is selected according to the indication and the patient’s tolerance.
The session is painless and quick, lasting thirty minutes. A slight tingling sensation is felt.
The protocol involves two phases:
an attack phase: carrying out four sessions a few days apart.
a maintenance phase: one session every month or three months, depending on the patient’s sporting activity.

Results and side-effects

The treatment does not cause any particular after-effects. There is no social eviction.
Results are visible one month after the last session of the attack phase.


Type of consultation



500 CHF per session

Others treatments


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