Vaginal Laser

What is vaginal laser ?

Many women experience symptoms such as vaginal itching, pain during intercourse, burning, vaginal dryness and loss of urine. They don’t dare talk about it, so these problems are often underestimated.

Laser treatment is a non-invasive treatment option for women who do not wish to undergo hormonal treatment and do not opt for surgery.

Vaginal laser in video

How does the vaginal laser work ?

The vaginal laser is an ablative laser.
The principle consists of ablating micro-columns of vaginal mucosa, which stimulates the synthesis of thicker, denser vaginal mucosa.
The heat delivered by the laser causes the muscles of the vaginal wall to contract.
The vagina is more toned and its walls thicker.

Indications for vaginal laser treatment

Several disorders can be relieved by this technology.
The indications are as follows :
Vulvo-vaginal atrophy.
Menopausal urogenital syndrome.
Vaginal dryness (burning, itching).
Dyspareunia (pain during intercourse).
Loss of vaginal elasticity and tone (slight to moderate).
Mild stress urinary incontinence.

Vaginal laser is a minimally invasive procedure with no social eviction. There are nevertheless contraindications to carrying out this procedure :
Ongoing genital haemorrhage (including menstruation).
Taking anticoagulants.
Ongoing genital or urinary infections or neoplasia.
Significant genital prolapse.

Vaginal laser procedure

The treatment is preceded by an information consultation, during which we analyse your request and carry out a gynaecological examination to assess the extent and type of problem(s).
Before treatment, the patient must have a cervico-vaginal smear (less than a year old) and a cytobacteriological urine test (less than a week old).
The protocol provides for three sessions at one-month intervals and one maintenance session per year.

A single-use laser speculum is used.
The laser session involves three stages:
The first pass vaporises the tissue and creates micro ablation channels in the vaginal wall. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the vaginal mucosa.
The second pass heats the tissues intensely, causing a coagulation lesion. This increases the vascularisation of the vaginal mucosa and improves the tone of the pelvic muscles, consequently their capacity to support the tissues is greater.
During the third pass we use a specially developed handpiece to create ablation pits in the vulvar area and vaginal orifice.

Results and side-effects

Side effects are minimal and transient.
For a few days, you may feel a warming sensation and experience slight bleeding, as well as an increase in physiological vaginal discharge.
For a week, we recommend stopping intercourse, bathing (pool, sea, bathtub, etc.), sauna and hammam, and local treatments.
The results are quite rapid, being noticeable as early as one month after the first session.
Histological sections show significant synthesis of new collagen and new vessels one month after laser treatment.

Stress urinary incontinence

Vaginal laxity


Type of consultation


Vaginal laser session

600 CHF per session

Others treatments


Hollywood spectra

Hydra facial

Ablatif laser


Onda Coolwaves