What is overweight
and obesity?

Slimming is a frequent request in aesthetic medicine.
Even slim people can find themselves with bulges that they find unsightly and that they are unable to get rid of despite a healthy diet and exercise.
An adult gains 500g to 1kg per year. Fat cells, or adipocytes, are found in the deep layer of the skin, the subcutaneous layer.

What causes weight gain?

Weight gain is caused by taking in more calories than you burn off.
The causes are:
A sedentary lifestyle.
A diet that is too high in calories or fat.
Restrictive diets, compensation hyperphagia phenomenon.
Genetics, some people have a fairly slow basal metabolism
Age, the metabolism slows down with the years.
Certain medications and pathologies.

Find out more about cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis for localised slimming

Overall weight loss is achieved through sporting activity and a healthy, balanced diet.
Localised slimming is easily achieved with cryolipolysis.
The number of sessions varies from one to three.
A clinical examination by an experienced doctor is essential before treatment, to:

Check the skin’s ability to retract.
Screen for any contraindications.
Identify surgical indications, some patients are not good candidates for cryolipolysis, only a surgical procedure can guarantee a good result.
Eliminate indications where the result will be poor, arms and knees are a bad indication for example.

Results and follow-up

The result is maximal three months after the session and visible at one month.
The after-effects are marked by the appearance of a small haematoma and a sensation of numbness for two days.
During a diet, the fat cells are emptied but remain in situ. During surgical liposuction or a session of cryolipolysis, they are eliminated.
The result is definitive if there is no weight regain.


Type of consultation

Prices generally charged


600 CHF per zone

Other Areas To Be Treated



